

Mathur, Mayuri; Chaudhary, Anav; Gupta, Saurabh Kumar; Sharma, Ojaswa

Structurally Consistent MRI Colorization Using Cross-Modal Fusion Learning Conference Forthcoming

IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Forthcoming.


Rai, Gaurav; Sharma, Ojaswa

Enhancing Sketch Animation: Text-to-Video Diffusion Models with Temporal Consistency and Rigidity Constraints Conference Forthcoming

International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), Forthcoming.

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Mathur, Aradhya Neeraj; Khattar, Apoorv; Sharma, Ojaswa

Curvy: A Parametric Cross-section based Surface Reconstruction Conference Forthcoming

International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), Forthcoming.



Rai, Gaurav; Gupta, Shreyas; Sharma, Ojaswa

SketchAnim: Real-time Sketch Animation Transfer from Videos Journal Article Code

Computer Graphics Forum, 43 (8), pp. 1-11, 2024.

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Vatsal, Ritik; Mishra, Shrivatsa; Thareja, Rushil; Chakrabarty, Mrinmoy; Sharma, Ojaswa; Shukla, Jainendra

An Analysis of Physiological and Psychological Responses in Virtual Reality and Flat Screen Gaming Journal Article

IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, pp. 1-15, 2024.

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Bhat, Srikrishna Subrahmanya; Dobbins, Chelsea; Dey, Arindam; Sharma, Ojaswa

Multi-modal classification of Cognitive Load in a VR-based training system Conference

IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), IEEE, 2023.

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Mathur, Aradhya Neeraj; Khattar, Apoorv; Sharma, Ojaswa

SLI-pSp: Injecting Multi-Scale Spatial Layout in pSp Conference

IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), IEEE, 2023.



Garg, Shrikant; Srivastava, Ayushi; Glencross, Mashhuda; Sharma, Ojaswa

A Study of the Effects of Network Latency on Visual Task Performance in Video Conferencing Conference

CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 2022.

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Mathur, Aradhya Neeraj; Khattar, Apoorv; Sharma, Ojaswa

2D to 3D Medical Image Colorization Conference Code

IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), IEEE, 2021.



Singh, Gurjinder; Mantri, Archana; Sharma, Ojaswa; Kaur, Rashpinder

Virtual reality learning environment for enhancing electronics engineering laboratory experience Journal Article

Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2020.

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Mathur, Aradhya Neeraj; Khattar, Apoorv; Sharma, Ojaswa

Multimodal Medical Volume Colorization from 2D Style Miscellaneous

arXiv, 2020.

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Singh, Katyayani; Srivastava, Ayushi; Achary, Krishnaveni; Dey, Arindam; Sharma, Ojaswa

Augmented Reality-Based Procedural Task Training Application for Less Privileged Children and Autistic Individuals Conference

ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI), (31), Association for Computing Machinery, 2019.

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Tomar, Yash; Srivastava, Ayushi; Dey, Arindam; Sharma, Ojaswa

Conformal Redirected Walking for Shared Indoor Spaces Conference

ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI), (17), Association for Computing Machinery, 2019.

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Singh, Gurjinder; Mantri, Archana; Sharma, Ojaswa; Dutta, Rubina; Kaur, Rashpinder

Evaluating the impact of the augmented reality learning environment on electronics laboratory skills of engineering students Journal Article

Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2019.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Arora, Nishima; Sagar, Himanshu

Image acquisition for high quality architectural reconstruction Conference Code

Graphics Interface, Canadian Information Processing Society, 2019, ISSN: 0713-5424.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Arora, Tushar; Khattar, Apoorv

Graph‐Based Transfer Function for Volume Rendering Journal Article Code

Computer Graphics Forum, pp. 13, 2019.

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Gupta, Anubha; Mallick, Pramit; Sharma, Ojaswa; Gupta, Ritu; Duggal, Rahul

PCSeg: Color model driven probabilistic multiphase level set based tool for plasma cell segmentation in multiple myeloma Journal Article

PLoS ONE, 13 (12), pp. 1-22, 2018.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Arora, Tushar; Khattar, Apoorv

Robust material graphs for automated transfer function Design in volume rendering Inproceedings

Pacific Graphics, 2018.


Sharma, Ojaswa; Pandey, Jalaj; Akhtar, Hammad; Rathee, Gaurav

Navigation in AR based on digital replicas Journal Article

The Visual Computer Journal, 34 (6-8), pp. 925–936, 2018.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Agarwal, Nidhi

Signed Distance based 3D Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Planar Cross-sections Journal Article

Computers & Graphics, 62 , pp. 67–76, 2017.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Agarwal, Nidhi

Interpolation and Shape Reconstruction on GPU Workshop

Poster, GPU Technology Conference, Mumbai, India, 2016.


Mallick, Pramit; Sharma, Ojaswa; Duggal, Rahul; Gupta, Anubha; Gupta, Ritu

GPU based Segmentation of Plasma Cells in Multiple Myeloma Images Workshop

Poster, GPU Technology Conference, Mumbai, India, 2016.


Gupta, Ritu; Mallick, Pramit; Duggal, Rahul; Gupta, Anubha; Sharma, Ojaswa

Novel Level Set Framework for Plasma Cell Segmentation from Microscopic Images of Multiple Myeloma Workshop

Poster, Multiple Myeloma-State of the Art, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India, 2016.


Mallick, Pramit; Duggal, Rahul; Gupta, Anubha; Sharma, Ojaswa; Gupta, Ritu

Modified multiphase level set for segmentation of plasma cells in multiple myeloma images Workshop

Poster, CME Series on Hemato-Oncopathology, AIIMS, New Delhi, India, 2016.


Sharma, Ojaswa; Agarwal, Nidhi

3D Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Sparse Cross Sections Inproceedings Code

Graphics Interface, 2016.

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Pandey, Jalaj; Sharma, Ojaswa

Fast and Robust Construction of 3D Architectural Models from 2D Plans Inproceedings

International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), 2016.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Tharayil, Ranjith; Iyer, Kiran N

Method and Apparatus for Deforming an Image Patent

258/CHE/2014, 2015.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Tharayil, Ranjith

Shape-aware MLS deformation for line handles Inproceedings Code

SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Briefs, pp. 20, ACM 2015.

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Iyer, Kiran N; Sharma, Ojaswa

Multi-modal Content Creation and Feedback Workshop

Samsung DMC R&D workshop, 2012.


Sharma, Ojaswa; Anton, Francois; Mioc, Darka

Level Sets and Voronoi based feature extraction from any imagery Workshop

GEOProcessing 2012 : The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, 2012.



Sharma, Ojaswa; Zhang, Qin; Anton, Francois; Bajaj, Chandrajit

Fast streaming 3D level set segmentation on the GPU for smooth multi-phase segmentation Journal Article

Transactions on computational science XIII, 6750 , pp. 72–91, 2011.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Anton, Francois

Homotopic object reconstruction using natural neighbor barycentric coordinates Journal Article

Transactions on Computational Science XIV, (6970), pp. 188–210, 2011.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Anton, Francois

Homotopy-based surface reconstruction with application to acoustic signals Journal Article

The Visual Computer, 27 (5), pp. 373–386, 2011.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Anton, Francois

Homotopic object reconstruction using natural neighbor barycentric coordinates Inproceedings

International Symposium Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD), pp. 181–188, IEEE 2010.

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Sharma, Ojaswa

Homotopy Based Reconstruction from Acoustic Images PhD Thesis

Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 2010.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Zhang, Qin; Anton, Francois; Bajaj, Chandrajit

Multi-domain, higher order level set scheme for 3D image segmentation on the GPU Inproceedings

Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 2211–2216, IEEE, 2010.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Anton, Francois

CUDA based level set method for 3D reconstruction of fishes from large acoustic data Inproceedings

International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), pp. 153–160, 2009.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Anton, Francois; Mioc, Darka

On the isomorphism between the medial axis and a dual of the Delaunay graph Inproceedings

International Symposium Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD), pp. 89–95, IEEE 2009.

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Gold, Christopher M; Mioc, Darka; Anton, Francois; Sharma, Ojaswa; Dakowicz, Maciej

A methodology for automated cartographic data input, drawing and editing using kinetic Delaunay/Voronoi diagrams Book Chapter

Generalized Voronoi Diagram: A Geometry-Based Approach to Computational Intelligence, pp. 159–196, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Mioc, Darka; Anton, Francois

Polygon feature extraction from satellite imagery based on colour image segmentation and medial axis Inproceedings

The international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, pp. 235–240, 2008.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Mioc, Darka; Anton, Francois

Feature Extraction and Simplification from colour images based on Colour Image Segmentation and Skeletonization using the Quad-Edge data structure Inproceedings

International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), pp. 225-232, 2007.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Mioc, Darka; Anton, Francois

Voronoi diagram based automated skeleton extraction from colour scanned maps Inproceedings

International Symposium Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD), pp. 186–195, IEEE 2006.

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Ghosh, Jayant Kumar; Goyal, Amit; Sharma, Ojaswa

GPS based control points for mapping Inproceedings

pp. 24–27, 2006.

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Mioc, Darka; Anton, Francois; Sharma, O; Al-Obeidat, F

Three Dimensional Modeling of Ocean Temperature Data Inproceedings

European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, 2006.


Sharma, Ojaswa

A methodology for raster to vector conversion of colour scanned maps Masters Thesis

University of New Brunswick, 2006.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Mioc, Darka; Anton, Francois; Dharmaraj, Girija

Traveling salesperson approximation algorithm for real road networks Inproceedings

ISPRS WG II/1,2,7, VII/6 International Symposium on Spatial-temporal Modeling, Spatial Reasoning, Spatial Analysis, Data Mining and Data Fusion (STM), 2005.

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Sharma, Ojaswa; Mioc, Darka; Anton, Francois; Habib, Ayman

Road extraction from satellite imagery using fractals and morphological image processing Inproceedings

International conference on Geoinformatics, 2005.



Sharma, Ojaswa; Shah, Nirjhar

Linear feature extraction from satellite imagery using fractals Workshop

AMPRECOM, IIT Roorkee, 2002.


Sharma, Ojaswa; Shah, Nirjhar

Steganography - New frontiers in data hiding Workshop

