2D to 3D Medical Image Colorization

Volume Colorizatiion

Colorization involves the synthesis of colors while preserving structural content as well as the semantics of the target image. This problem has been well studied for 2D photographs with many state-of-the-art solutions. We explore a new challenge in the field of colorization where we aim at colorizing multi-modal 3D medical data using 2D style exemplars. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first of its kind and poses challenges related to the modality (medical MRI) and dimensionality (3D volumetric images) of the data. Our approach to colorization is motivated by modality conversion that highlights its robustness in handling multi-modal data.

Short demo video:


Coming soon…


A. N. Mathur, A. Khattar, and O. Sharma, “2D to 3D Medical Image Colorization”, in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2020.

A. N. Mathur, A. Khattar, and O. Sharma, “Multimodal Medical Volume Colorization from 2D Style”, in ArXiv, 2019.

2D to 3D Medical Image Colorization